Which Are the Best Essential Oils for Bed Wetting?

Which Are the Best Essential Oils for Bed Wetting?

Most people use essential oils in different methods like massage and aromatherapy. But does it help in bed wetting issues? People believe that essential oils have several beneficial effects on some health conditions and its general maintenance. But all this comes with controversies. Some people swear by essential oils while others claim that there’s no scientific evidence that proves its health benefits.

Which Essential Oils are Ideal for Bed Wetting?

Those who swear by essential oils realize that everyone reacts and responds quite differently to the product. Some have amazing experiences while others see no significant difference to the illness they are desperately trying to eliminate or relieve.

Which Are the Best Essential Oils for Bed Wetting? 1

You can only resort to natural remedies when a professional doctor has typically ruled out all other potential medical conditions of bedwetting. Herbal remedies and essential oils cannot replace any medical treatment and it’s not even advocated.

Scientists have not come up with a conclusive report yet on the benefits of essential oils and it’s also not as straightforward due to its multiple ways of use and types among several other factors. But this begs the question – can essential oils help with the bedwetting issue? Most of the truthful answers will always come from those who have given it a try in the first place as opposed to the manufacturing companies.

Most companies will always advocate for the product to work perfectly, but natural remedies don’t usually stand up to a lot of scrutiny. It’s therefore up to the consumers to do some research on essential oils for bedwetting if it works among other significant details entailing its production.

Finding out if there’s any science behind it is equally important. However, you will not find a lot of information on this or actual scientific studies done. But you can try digging deeper to locate some scientific opinions and expertise.

What’s surprising is that most essential oil sellers are the ones selling the narrative of the product helping with bedwetting issues. But there are also reviews on blogs and forums from people who have tried out the oil. Let’s dive in to find legitimate experiences and stories about its failures and successes.

Most people talk of cypress oil working as a bedwetting treatment.

How to Use Cypress Oil for Bed Wetting

Those who have tried using the essential oil to treat bed-wetting usually follow this simple procedure – they use the bottle’s roller ball or directly apply it on the abdomen using high-quality carrier oils which contain certain ingredients such as olive oil, Vitamin E, coconut oil or beeswax.  Then slowly massage the essential oil over the lower part of the child’s stomach before they retire to bed.

Which Are the Best Essential Oils for Bed Wetting? 2

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Carrier oil usually helps to minimize the concentration of cypress oil. You need to dilute the oil at about 50% when using it on children. It additionally makes spreading and gliding over the skin a bit easy.

Does Cypress Essential Oil Stop Bed Wetting?

What are some of the benefits of cypress essential oil in relation to bed wetting?  Depending on the people you ask, essential oils usually have different benefits for different health conditions. According to one scientific study, the Algerian cypress oil from the Cupressus sempervirens plant contains about 70 chemical elements. Cypress oil is available in different types but this is the most common one in the market.

Cypress essential oil helps relieve anxiety, fatigue and has a diuretic effect as well. However, scientists are still researching the use of diuretic drugs in treating the bed wetting issue but the results are positive in young children. A different study also shows that aromatherapy massage can help relax the mind thereby reducing stress and anxiety which is quite beneficial especially to a child’s immune system.

Mercola Health also notes that a small percentage usually experience skin irritation or sensitivity to cypress essential oil when they use it topically. They often recommend carrying out a sample test before using it. Apply the oil on a small part of the skin and monitor for the reaction before you decide to use it regularly. They additionally advise using as carrier oils – argan, organic and jojoba oils. Most importantly, Mercola is against the use of cypress essential oil on younger children although doesn’t classify a specific age bracket.

Which Are the Best Essential Oils for Bed Wetting? 3

There aren’t any scientific studies done on cypress oil in relation to the bed wetting issue so the evidence of whether it’s ideal or not is not conclusive if any. It only shows its benefits in different medical conditions such as anxiety and stress. High levels of anxiety as a result of bedwetting can only worsen the situation or make it hard to treat. Therefore, it’s a no brainer that reducing anxiety has several positive health benefits and this essential oil can be considered as a way of treating anxiety.

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