SleepTight Mouthpiece Review

SleepTight Mouthpiece Review

sleeptight mouthpiece reviewDr. Mike Williams, who suffered from snoring for a number of years, together with Dr. Paul Swan are the creators of the SleepTight mouthpiece. These US dentists not only understand how snoring can damage someones life, but also its effect on the sufferers relationships with other family members. In creating this mouth guard, the dentists aimed at providing a gadget that will improve relationships and change peoples lives.

You should carefully study the snoring mouthpiece you wish to purchase. This is especially if you are looking to buy a mouthpiece for the first time. If you have used other anti snoring devices in the past, you should know what features of the SleepTight mouthpiece that the gadget you had missed.

SleepTight Review: Overview of theMouthpiece

SleepTight Mouthpiece Review 1

Knowing what causes snoring will help you understand what SleepTight mouthpiece is and how it works.

When you sleep, you go into an unconscious state. In this state, it is difficult to control the muscles in your body. Your throat muscles, for example, keeps open because your jaw is in the right position when you are awake. However, in sleep, the jaw and the tongue are easily pulled towards your throat by gravity. Apart from this, the soft tissues of the throat also seem to hang. This destabilization causes a blockage in the airway, making air to force itself through the narrow passage. When this happens, the soft tissues of the throat are touched and they vibrate. The noise that results from this vibration is what is called snoring.

how sleeptight mouthpiece works

SleepTight is a Mandibular Advancement Device that works by holding your jaw in a forward position to keep it and the tongue from falling back into the throat. Like most MADs, SleepTight is also effective in treating obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Fitting this gadget is easy as it uses the boil-and-bite technology.

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Features of SleepTight Snoring Mouthpiece

Boil-and-Bite Technology for Custom Fitting

SleepTight mouthpiece is made of pliable resin that is comfortable and convenient to fit. You can fit the mouthpiece from the comfort of your home. Follow the instructions below to achieve the perfect fit:

  1. Put about two cups of boiling water in a pot to boil
  2. Fill the hot water in one mug and fill another mug with ice cold water
  3. Dip the mouthpiece (clear) in hot water for 3 minutes. You can use a trimmer, a spoon or a pair of tongs to immerse the mouthpiece in the hot water
  4. Looking into a mirror, insert the gadget into your mouth making sure that the V-notch is facing face
  5. Hold your jaw forward and then firmly bite into the gadget. The plastic air hole will be lifted up to a slight angle.
  6. Suck it in and use your tongue to shape the inside of the mouth guard. You can also use your fingers to firmly align the outside of the device for a more perfect fit. Hold it for one minute.
  7. Remove the gadget carefully and immerse it into the cold water mug until it hardens.
  8. After it hardens, remove it and see if it fits perfectly. If not, do not remove the spacer. Instead, repeat the molding process. You can re-mold SleepTight mouthpiece for up to a maximum 5 times. After this, you can no longer use the material. The flexible resin, a feature that misses in other mouth guards, is flexible for trial and error.

Check the video below to know how to fit the SleepTight mouthpiece:

Airflow Hole

Most people dont find some MADs that dont provide an easy airway passage satisfying. In fact, most people with breathing difficulties and chronic mouth breathers find it challenging to use MADs.

sleeptight review - the airhole

SleepTight mouth guard is designed with an air hole that makes breathing much easier. This ensures you have a more comfortable night sleep.

Can Be Worn With Partial Denture Wearer

Most mouth guards are not recommended for people with pre-existing dental conditions and those that wear invasive gadgets like crowns, caps or dentures. With SleepTight, things are different. The mouth guard can conform to the shape of your jaw as long as there are teeth present.

Experienced Creator

Some sleep aid gadgets are designed and created by people who have never suffered from chronic snoring. SleepTight was created by Dr. Mike Williams, who was also a victim of chronic snoring. The doctor designed gadget with the needs of snorers in mind.


Hygiene is important for any gadget meant for your mouth. SleepTight is hygienic and relatively easy to clean.

Low Cost

The SleepTight company is confident with the quality of its product. Due to this, the company offers a 30-day trial mouth guard for only $9.95. If you dont find the mouthpiece effective, you dont have to pay the full cost of $59.95$ after your trial.

Many Satisfied Users

The efficiency of the mouth guard has been testified by many users. Some snorers find the gadget effective after only using it for a few days. This cannot be said of all MADs in the market. The many positive reviews of SleepTight mouthpiece attest to the results it brings about.

FDA Clearance

SleepTight has been approved by the FDA. In fact, the FDA clearance was given to Dr. Williams even before he designed the package. You can therefore confidently buy this gadget and know it meets the strict standards required by the FDA.


According to the manufacturer, when well take care of, the gadget can last you up to 2 years without needing replacement.

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Downsides of SleepTight Mouthpiece

There is no anti-snoring mouthpiece without any faults. Thats why its important to go over reviews and testimonials and find out which ones will give you value for your money. Here are some downsides of SleepTight you should know:

  • Cleaning with mouthwash leads to staining

Although SleepTight is easy to clean, you should only use water and mild detergent. If cleaned using a mouthwash, it easily stains.

  • Does not have room for adjusting the lower jaw placement

You will not be able adjust the lower jaw after fitting the SleepTight mouthpiece. You are likely to customize the mouthpiece. Therefore, ensures it slips into your mouth. This is however achieved after very few tries.

  • It takes time to adjust to wearing the device

If you are trying out an MAD gadget for the very first time, be ready for some level of discomfort the first few nights of use. This is expected with most other MADs but improves with continued use. Therefore, dont be discouraged by those first nights of discomfort.

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Is SleepTight the Best Mouthpiece for Snoring?

Your individual snoring problem should help you know whether SleepTight mouthpiece will be right for you. Here are some things to consider:

  • The mouthpiece requires fitting using real teeth. Therefore, if you have false teeth, missing teeth, crowns or dentures, we do not recommend the mouthpiece for you.
  • If you have a misaligned jaw, you can use this mouthpiece. SleepTight uses boil and bite technology to achieve a customized fit. If you fit the gadget well, it will not cause any discomfort as it also positions the lower jaw in a certain way.
  • SleepTight mouth piece can be used by people with serious respiratory problems. The snoring mouthpiece has an airflow hole that allows air to freely pass through without difficulty.

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Where can you purchase SleepTight Mouthpiece?

SleepTight allows you to experience snore-free, peaceful nights. When sleeping with the device, you will wake up feeling well-rested and rejuvenated. The snoring mouthpiece will give you a chance to SleepTight and sound.SleepTight Mouthpiece Review 2

SleepTight is available for sale at the official website (SleepTight). You will earn an additional 10% discount when you pay with Bitcoin.

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