Is Sleeping Without a Bra Good for You?

Is Sleeping Without a Bra Good for You?

Question: Is sleeping without a bra good for you? Read on to find out.

woman sleeping

When you get to puberty, you will learn that you are not allowed to sleep with a bra.

Some people believe it causes sagging of the breasts, whilst some say sleeping with it makes the breasts perky and shapely. Could it be true that sleeping with no bra is good medically? Whatever the case, for beginners, it’s important to note that breasts tend to sag for all women.

Burning question; should you take your bra off or have it on before going to bed?

Wearing a bra to bed is associated with some myths.

With all sorts of myths peppered all over the internet, it looks like sleeping without a bra is medically good. While myths are just myths, going to bed without a bra is the best option based on some findings!

Myth #1:  Increased Risk of Developing Breast Cancer

There’s a connection between increased chances of breast cancer and going to bed with a bra on. Specifically, a bra with an underwire – though some people believe normal bras too can cause cancer of the breast.

It was first seen in a book in 1995 that claimed women who wear bras for more than 12 hours a day risk a high chance of getting breast cancer compared to those who didn’t. Just because bras with underwires cause a restriction to the lymph system, which makes the toxins in the breasts to build up, argued Dr. Susan Love.

But apparently, this myth can’t be backed up scientifically. People believe such myths since it makes them “feel in control over areas that are uncertain” when it comes to their lives. When they convince themselves that the cause of cancer could be a bra, it would deter them and in so doing, they would get something to put a blame on.

Myth #2: Prevents Sagging of the Breasts

Celebrities like Marilyn Monroe truly believed this myth.

More than preventing breasts from sagging, women believe a bra holds up the breasts giving them the desired shape and also makes them perky. While that could be true, that it gives the breasts a desired shape (perhaps temporarily), it doesn’t prevent them from sagging.

sagging breasts

Unfortunately, no one can escape gravity and age.

On the other side, some myths suggest that wearing a bra to bed will encourage sagging by making the supporting tissue of the breast weak.

Myth #3: Problems with Blood Circulation

Similarly, this problem is caused by underwire bras, especially the ones that fit snugly. It may constrict the muscles and tamper with the nerve circulation in the arms. Not only bras that are wired, sports bras too can hurt the breast tissue due to the constant restriction of circulation.

The key is opting for a soft and well-fitting bra if you intend to wear it to bed. If you ever felt restless while sleeping, a constriction could be the problem caused by irritation which you probably didn’t notice. Therefore, before buying a bra, make sure you measure your breasts. Here is a guide on how to measure your bra size.

That said, not all myths are entirely false, for instance, breasts sagging as you age.

Over time, the force of gravity causes sagging of breasts, especially when they are big.

Sagging of the breasts is inevitable; as we age, the skin loses its elasticity with wrinkles and future lines appearing.

But looking at several other factors, how could we pinpoint the factors or cause of going to bed with a bra? Is being conscious about it worth?

What Experts Say About Wearing a Bra to Bed

Dr. Seth Rankin believes dramatic changes in the weight, smoking, breast feeding, pregnancy, genetics and even activities of high intensity can increase women’s likelihood of having their breasts sag.  Poor lifestyle and being overweight could also cause sagging breasts.

With many factors having significant effects, the doctor says this would make it very difficult to measure effects of sleeping with a bra on.

Besides, Holly Pederson, M. D Director of medical breast services at Cleveland Clinic, says there’s no evidence of a bra being harmful.

Even so, Dr. Rankin still says, going to bed in a bra could be harmful to your health, apart from painful wires and straps.

Just like the myths say, Dr. Rankins too suggests these garments can cause health problems.

Sleeping with a bra habitually can compress the breast tissues and also constrict the flow of blood to the muscles and vessels. Lymph nodes around the armpit and breasts responsible for flushing toxins out of our bodies can also be impeded.

Besides, it’s unnecessary to sleep with a bra to maintain breast’s perkiness. Almost all sleeping positions tend to compress the breast tissues and naturally mass backwards.

When you lie down on your tummy or on your back, what happens is the opposite. Just remember, when you decide to wear a bra to bed, ensure it’s a bralette or has soft cups.  A tight sports bra is a no.

Other Effects of Sleeping with a Bra

If you choose to wear your bra to bed, there are some health factors to consider.

Underwire bras can cause discomfort and prevent you from having a good sleep at night. Restlessness could result to stress and lack of sleep causing you to be unproductive and moody throughout the day. Additionally, if the bra straps hooks or wire are constricting, they can cause certain areas to darken, or something called hyperpigmentation.

underwire bra

We sweat while sleeping so when you have your bra on, moisture tends to collect. Over time, the risk of breast fungus is increased, or a fungal rash that is itchy, especially under the folds of the breast.

If you have big breasts, you should wear underwire bras since they offer great support. Here is a list of the best full figure bras with underwire.

It’s all on you

So, while we don’t have a specific rule against wearing a bra to bed, it seems the odds favour getting your breasts freed up when sleeping. Do what you feel will work for you. Ultimately, if you make it a habit to keep your bra on while in bed, it’s important to know its health risks, also the measures taken against them. And remember, bras are not the cause of breast cancer!

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