We Got Mixed Results With the Doctor’s Night Guard. Will It Work for You?

We Got Mixed Results With the Doctor’s Night Guard. Will It Work for You?

Doctors night guard review: Here is everything you need to know about the teeth grinding mouthguard.

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doctors night guard reviewDoctors Night Guard Advanced Comfort Dental protector is fitted on the upper teeth to prevent grinding. The dental protector is made up of an inner layer that absorbs shock and cushions the teeth. The outer layer prevents biting through and grinding.

Doctors Night Guard Instructions

Follow the following steps to fit the Doctor's Night Guard:

#1. Fill a pot up to 3 inches with water and bring it to boil for a minute. Put the dental protector carefully into the water then wait for 50 seconds

#2. Using a fork, remove the product from the boiling water and start the timer for 20 seconds

#3. Immediately hold the hard part without touching the sticky top of the dental protector and put it in the mouth using a mirror. Then hold the teeth firmly against the device.

#4. When the 20 seconds are over, bite down the protector until it gets into contact with the bottom. Continue biting.

#5. Keep your mouth closed and use your tongue to push the plastic material upwards to the roof of the mouth and to the sides of the teeth.

#6. Wait 30 seconds while the protector is in place in your mouth.

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doctors night guard reviewDoctors Nightguard Features

  • Available in different sizes
  • Customers mold the dental guard by themselves
  • A storage container is available for the dental guard
  • Available in Advanced Comfort and Classic designs

Pros of Doctor Night Guard

  • The protector is has a slanted front-design that keeps the materials away from your gums, ensuring you are comfortable when wearing it
  • Made of flexible material which allows you to sleep normally with a closed mouth
  • The Doctors Night Guard Advanced Comfort Dental protector is cheap at less than 20USD
  • Guaranteed fit since its custom-molded
  • The guard is slim and hence does not feel uncomfortable when in your mouth
  • Has a double-layer design that includes a soft top layer that cushions and absorbs the firm bottom to prevent grinding

Cons of Doctor Night Guard

  • The dental protector is tricky to model
  • There is no face to face contact with a dental technician to guide you through the usage
  • Cannot be used by people who wear braces, dentures, or other dental products
  • Is not meant for treatment of TMJ. It only works if you have light teeth grinding
  • Not recommended if you wiggle any of your teeth or have any tooth or jaw pain, or pain with bruxing or tooth grinding
  • Should not be used by anyone that is below 18 years without a doctors recommendation

The Doctors Night Guard Review FAQs

Can I repeat the procedure if I don't get a perfect fit on my first attempt?

Yes, you can. Simply place the dental guard back into the boiling water, wait for it to cool and repeat the molding process.

How do I care for my dental protector?

Soak the dental guard in a mixture of cleanser and water for 15 minutes to kill bacteria. Rinse, dry and store in the provided container.

What if the product is too big for my mouth?

In cases where the protector is too big, use a razor blade to shorten it

The Doctors Night Guard Amazon & Coupon

The Doctors Night Guard is available for sale at Amazon. Currently, there are no coupons for the TMJ guard given how cheap it is. You can buy the guard at Amazon from this link.

This mouth guard is recommended for anyone with light bruxism. However, if you have medium or severe bruxism, we recommend you get the Dentek Dental Guard.

From reading Doctors Night Guard reviews, it is clear that consumers have mixed results with the mouth guard. If you have severe bruxism, this guard is not for you. However, it works perfectly for people with light teeth grinding.

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  1. lon April 18, 2018

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