Are you looking for the best snoring mouthpiece? Read on.
There are several snoring mouthpieces available on the market. Also known as Mandibular Advancement Splint (MAS) or Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD), the anti-snore mouthpieces work by repositioning the lower jaw forward to make breathing easier when you are asleep.
The mouthpieces have a tongue stabilizing device (TSD) that keeps the tongue forward. This makes it easier for you to breathe while sleeping.
There are also hybrid devices that use both tongue stabilizing and jaw advancement techniques.
MADs, TSDs, and hybrid snorepieces are the three major devices that are medically certified as remedies for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
These are three different products. So, how can you tell which is the best anti snoring device for you?
From our research, we have found a number of devices that make it on the list the best snoring mouthpiece devices. Check the table below for an overview of the mouthpieces.
In this Guide
Best Snoring Mouthpieces
[wps_table style="stripped"]Mouthpiece | Features | Lifespan | Review | Price |
Good Morning Snoring Solution | Works by creating a suction which holds tongue in place. Can be worn with dentures | 1+ years | Read Review | Check Latest Price |
SnoreMeds | Micro-adjustment feature that requires no tools. Can adjust in 1mm increments up to 10mm | 4 years | Read Review | Check Latest Price |
ZQuiet | Allows mouth to move freely. Works out of box but may have to trim to fit with small scissors | 1 to 2 years | Read Review | Check Latest Price |
VitalSleep | Comes in 2 sizes - Small and regular. Features hex screw adjustment | 1+ years | Read Review | Check Latest Price |
SleepTight Mouthpiece | Largest front airway opening available on the market. Better breathing for those with colds, allergies, or deviated septum. | 6 months to 2 years | Read Review | Check Latest Price |
Best Snoring Mouthpieces
Good Morning Snore Solution
The GMSS is quite revolutionary as it helps prevent snoring by targeting the tongue. The tongue might be the cause of snoring since it tends to fall back into the airway especially if you can’t keep your mouth shut during sleep or are overweight. The Good Morning Snore Solution usually pulls the tongue forward by sucking it at the tip clearing the airway and preventing snoring.
The Good Morning Snore Solution helps retain the tongue typically known as a tongue stabilizing device. The mouthpiece is an inverted version of a baby’s pacifier. You only need to squeeze the mouthpiece at the tip to create vacuum to help pull the tongue forward. The device’s outer edge rests on the gums and at the front of the teeth while keeping things in place. When you fit it properly, the tongue sits between the teeth technically further away from the throat.
The Good Morning Snore Solution helps reduce snoring and any respiratory disturbance significantly. Besides, it’s super comfortable and has some unique features that makes it an effective snoring remedy available in the market.
SnoreMeds Mouthpiece
SnoreMeds mouthpiece comes in different sizes for both men and women. It’s a mandibular advancement gadget as it helps push the lower jaw forward to open the airway and relax the soft tissues. It features a smaller design as compared to other anti-snoring devices in the market. The mouthpiece is super comfortable to wear and is custom shaped for a perfect fit.
SnoreMeds mouthpiece is made from hypoallergic thermoplastic and comes with a removable spatula. When you place it correctly in the mouth it helps prevent snoring. The product additionally features two tiny holes at the front to enhance mouth breathing. Cleaning and maintenance is quite easy using water, denture cleaner, mouthwash or toothpaste but you need to do it consistently. You can also use the spatula to clean.
However, the SnoreMeds mouthpiece doesn’t work well for everyone especially those with larger jaws, braces or dentures. It’s ideal for people with small jaws and those who love customized mouthpieces but are working on a budget. It’s a perfect solution for men with small jaws and female snorers. The mouthpiece is super flexible for ease of use and is equally adjustable to suit the user’s needs. SnoreMeds recommend replacement after about four months for gums and teeth safety and hygiene purposes.
ZQuiet Mouthpiece
The ZQuiet mouthpiece comes in two different sizes which makes it suitable for snorers allowing natural breathing and ultimate comfort. ZQuiet is an anti-snoring mouthguard that helps advance the jaw to keep the tongue in place preventing it from blocking the airway. This mouthpiece is uniquely designed with springy, flexible and thin materials making it the most effective remedy for snoring.
Mandibular Advancement Device is also ideal for treating mild obstructive sleep apnea. This is a sleep disorder where the airway is obstructed periodically stopping breathing meaning you gasp awake repeatedly all through the night. You will wake up more refreshed and energized after using the ZQuiet mouthpiece. Most users usually experience a reduction in the snoring intensity significantly.
The intelligent features make this device more comfortable and effective compared to other generic mouthguards. ZQuiet mouthpiece is made of lightweight, durable and thin materials to eliminate any discomfort and is also safe to use. Besides, you can use it right away after unboxing as it doesn’t require adjustments and molding unlike the boil and bite mouthpieces. It comes in a set of two with each providing different jaw advancement levels for a more customized fit.
Type A is straightforward and super comfortable since its degree of advancement is quite small. Type B on the other hand provides a greater advancement, creating a significant airway space if snoring persists. Having the two mouthpieces typically means snorers have an option to choose the one that works better for them.
VitalSleep Mouthpiece
The VitalSleep Mouthpiece uses the boil and bite design making it customizable. It’s specific to individuals since the lower part can be adjusted and it molds to the user’s mouth. The mouthpiece comes with some generous policies and is available in two different sizes: for women and men. You only need to place the mouthpiece in hot water for a minute then three seconds in cold water to fit to the teeth.
Place the mouthpiece in the mouth then bite it down for about 30 seconds. Set the impression by putting it in cold water. If the first attempt fails, you can reheat to remold your mouthpiece. This high-quality mouthpiece is relatively cheap compared to its counterparts. The generous policies, affordability, adjustability, durability, quality materials and customizability are what makes this device to stand out.
You can get the VitalSleep Mouthpiece over the counter without a prescription. However, you need to consult a doctor to find out if using the anti-snoring device is the best option.
SleepTight Mouthpiece
SleepTight Mouthpiece doesn’t contain latex or BPA but is made from ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA). The material is safe as it’s also used for making teethers for babies. It features a tiny airway at the centre that usually fits in the teeth gaps. The mouthpiece comes with a unique fitting handle that’s usually inserted in the airway. What’s more, the handles make taking the boil and bite design easier and you can use it to position the mouthpiece before going to bed.
This Mandibular Advancement Device was initially meant to treat moderate obstructive sleep apnea in adults. It helps prevent snoring, has a perfect fit and is easy to wear. You first need to place the mouthpiece in boiling water before using to soften the material and make it easy to create an impression when biting into it. Wearing this mouthpiece forces the lower jaw forward using the teeth to an unnatural position to help stop snoring. The mouthpiece is moldable to fit different mouth sizes.
If you don’t see any changes on the first night, do the boil and bite process again but try positioning the jaw a little forward.
Guide to Buying a Snoring Mouthpiece
There are a number of things you need to keep in mind when looking for an anti-snoring device. Follow the tips below to find the best snoring mouthpiece for you.
Quality and Type Material
Consider the materials used to manufacture the snoring mouthpiece. You will be wearing the device for about 8 hours. Thus, you don't want any products that can affect your health.
Some materials used to make anti snoring mouthpieces can be harmful. For example, Bisphenol A (BPA) is controversial for its long-term health effects when used for food and beverage packaging.
The best anti-snoring devices are BPA-free.
Also, check the products for the presence of latex. Almost 3 million Americans are latex-sensitive. Some people also react to silicone. Silicone is commonly used in the manufacture of mouthpiece items like dentures. In fact, most dental thermoplastics have silicone. Therefore, do your research well.
Adjustability and Comfort
Ensure the device is comfortable. The material used to make the snoring device will determine how comfortable it is. Some materials make it difficult for the gadget to be adjusted.
Choose MAD devices with low jaw adjustment capability. The best snoring mouthpieces use "boil and bite" technology. To use these mouthpieces, you have to boil and then cool them for some time. After cooling, insert the device and bite down, putting in slight pressure. The device will retain the shape of your teeth. This means they will be custom fit. Custom-fit snoring mouthpieces allow you to reposition your jaw backwards or forward until you feel comfortable.
Unlike MADs that use boil and bite technology, most TSDs (Tongue Stabilizing Devices) are made to be one-size-fits-all. TSDs are not ideal as people's teeth and mouth shapes vary. MADs are therefore the better option.
Alternatively, you can opt for a dental impression kit. Various anti-snoring solutions that come packaged with this kit. The kit usually contains molding clay and a mouth tray. Using the kit is simple: place the clay in the tray, and then chomp down and release to create an impression of your teeth mouth surface. You will have to mail the kit to a lab for the custom mouthpiece to be manufactured.
Custom kits are more expensive than out of the box anti-snoring devices. Moreover, they also take several weeks to be made.
The average lifespan of most TSDs and MADs is 6-12 months. Some manufacturers even recommend replacing the device after 3 months of use! The period of comfortable use will vary depending on the user.
Manufacturers recommend teeth grinding snorers to replace their gadgets often than those who don't grind.
If you buy cheap anti snoring devices, you will be disappointed. This is because you will have to replace the gadget even more than 4 times in a year. This will be more costly than if you had purchased a superior, longer-lasting mouthpiece at a higher price.
Breathing Space
Consider the breathing space of the snore piece. The downside of having a breathing hole in a mouthpiece is that it produces a whistle that sounds like a snore.
However, if have a clinical condition that prevents air from flowing through your nasal cavity, have sinus issues, or are a mouth breather, consider a mouthpiece with breathing holes. The holes will make oral breathing easier.
A good anti-snoring mouthpiece should have a breathing hole that is balanced for its size. If the hole is too small, less oxygen will come through, and this will make you uncomfortable. On the other hand, a considerably large breathing hole will mean you will have to open your mouth wide.
Cost is another factor to consider before making a purchase. Most anti snoring mouthpieces cost between 35$ and 200$. This is if we are not talking about custom made mouthpieces like the Thornton Adjustable Positioner (TAP 3). TAP devices are more expensive and could go into $1000 plus.
Generally, how expensive or cheap a product does not matter. What is important is how best it will serve you. Choose a product that fully meets your needs and provides value for money.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do people snore?
There is a tissue at the back side of the mouth called the Uvula. When this tissue touches the throat tissue, the air passage is temporarily blocked. The two tissues vibrate against each other and cause the "snoring sounds".
Other factors like nasal obstruction (nasal polyps or deviated septum), overgrown tonsils, being in very deep sleep or use of sleeping pills, excessive alcohol intake or even being overweight can also cause snoring.
What are stop snoring devices?
These are devices recommended by dentists and sleep professionals that help eliminate the sounds produced when a person snores. The devices include Tongue Stabilizing Devices (TSD) and Mandibular Advancement Devices.
How do MADs work to stop snoring?
Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD) or Mandibular Advancement Splints (MAS) are often recommended for people who snore. You have to fit the device in your mouth before sleeping.
When fitted between the upper and lower teeth, the device moves the mandibular (lower jaw) forward. When this happens, the tissues and muscles in the upper airway are tightened and narrow the airway. This makes the snoring sounds to stop.
MADs are popular in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
How do tongue stabilizing devices work?
A tongue stabilizing device (TSD) resembles a pacifier. The device is fitted loosely at the tip of the tongue to prevent it from coming into contact with the back of the throat and obstruct breathing.
There is a bulb at the end of the device that is squeezed to make it attach to the tongue before it's positioned at the tip. Once the required position has been achieved, the bulb is released. Releasing the bulb creates a vacuum that sucks the tongue into the device.
Many TSDs have double protruding tabs that rest on the outer lips. The tabs keep your tongue in a forward posture and the device in check. TSDs are not as popular as MADs. But when it comes to stopping snoring, the devices work just as well as MADs.
Can stop snoring devices work for me if I usually grind my teeth in sleep?
Yes, MADs can work for you.
Most MAD models are designed with the same materials used for dental guards. And because you insert the device between your upper teeth and the lower ones, it will eliminate snoring while at the same time protecting your teeth from grinding.
Do anti snoring devices help to treat obstructive sleep apnea?
There are two different types of sleep apnea:
- Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This happens when the upper air passage is temporarily blocked.
- Central Sleep Apnea (CSA. This occurs when the brain fails to send instructions to the lungs to breathe, which causes short breath.
Sleep apnea is a more serious condition than snoring. It would, therefore, be dangerous to attempt treating the condition with an oral device.
If you suspect you have sleep apnea, see a physician for a proper diagnosis. The doctor may need to carry out a sleep study in the lab, a home sleep test, or both to come up with a conclusion and recommendations.
Do I need a doctor's prescription to purchase an anti snoring product?
MADs and TSDs are class II medical devices. This means you can only buy them if you have a prescription.
However, you can buy a MAD or TSD online without displaying your prescription. This is nothing criminal as you will be covered by the Code of Federal Regulations clause "adequate directions for use".
I can get cheap snoring mouthpieces on Amazon. Are these safe to use?
Since we are talking about a health condition and a gadget you will have in your mouth for 8 hours or more, take no chances. It is tempting to purchase a cheap product, especially when you feel it will do the same job as a more expensive option.
However, the authenticity pf most of the anti snore products that sell for as low as even $5 cannot be confirmed. Most of them have no information about the materials used to make them, leave alone an FDA clearance. It will be risky trying them out.
What's the use lifespan for stop snoring mouthpieces?
Most mouthpieces last for 6-18 months.
The need to replace a mouthpiece is determined by different factors, including the type and quality of material used to make it. Custom-fit mouthpieces are of better quality. These mouthpieces last for years.
Your sleeping habits will also determine the longevity of the snore mouthpiece. If you wear the device regularly or grind your teeth when sleeping, you will need to replace their gadgets more often.
Will I be able to breathe through my mouth while wearing the device?
This will depend on the design of the snoring piece you purchase. Some models don't have a breathing hole while others have. Take this factor into consideration before choosing a mouthpiece.
Remember, gadgets with breathing holes also have their limitations.
Will the device work for me if I'm already wearing dentures?
Most MADs can't be used by people with dentures.
A Tongue Stabilizing Device (TSD) is a better option for denture wearers. With TSDs, you don't have to wear your dentures while sleeping as the devices attach to the tongue and rest outside the lips.
If I have TMJ, can I use an antisnore device?
Most manufacturers warn against the use of the TSDs or MADs by people with TMJ. The devices can worsen TMJ symptoms. If you have TMJ, consult your dentist or doctor before using these products.
Will I be at risk of swallowing the device when sleeping?
MADs that are FDA-approved have been certified not to be hazardous. These devices are safe for use and do not pose a choking hazard. Nevertheless, you should take necessary precautions when sleeping.
How effective is a snore mouthpiece in treating snoring?
Some manufacturers indicate their products are 98% effective. Others give a percentage of the user-satisfaction rate of their devices.
However, no one can really assure you of this. Of course, there are factors that will contribute to the effectiveness and satisfaction of a particular gadget. These factors include the quality of the devices and the sleeping patterns of the user.
Do your research well to get the best mouthpiece for your needs.
A study conducted in Belgium showed that 65% of snoring patients who used low-cost MADs saw an improvement in their snoring condition. This study concluded the mouthpiece was a viable solution to stop snoring. Other studies show an even higher success rate.
Are antisnore products safe for use by children?
Since children's mouth and teeth are still developing, it is not advisable for them to use snoring mouthpieces. This is because both MADs and the TSDs can hinder the development of the mouth and teeth.
What does "boil and bite" mean?
This term is commonly used to describe the technology used in MAD models. The technology enables users to custom fit the devices on their teeth. Users have to place the snoring mouthpiece in hot boiling water for a few seconds, remove it and place it in cold water for a few seconds before putting it on. The mouthpiece has to be inserted between the teeth. After this, bite down to make an impression. When cooled, the mouthpiece will take the shape of the users' teeth.
Apart from this, you can buy a dental impression kit. The kits have dental clays and a tray which make an impression on the teeth surface. After this, a custom piece is cast.
How many times can a boil and bite mouthpiece be remolded?
This will depend on the mouthpiece. Some manufacturers claim their snoring mouthpieces can be remolded up to five times.
Generally, when the material used in boil and bite is heated and cooled repeatedly, it gets weak and starts breaking apart. It would be ideal if you could get a perfect fit for the very first time, as difficult as this may be.
Be sure to follow the packaging instructions for the particular mouthpiece you have bought.
What does FDA clearance mean?
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the body given the mandate of protecting USA citizens from fraudulent, inauthentic products. The department tests all biological products; drugs, food, cosmetics, medical devices, and others to ensure they are safe for use before allowing them in the market.
A quality mouthpiece or any stop snore product will have an FDA clearance.
Why does the online purchase require me to fill out a questionnaire?
Usually, you will be required to complete a form online before purchasing. The stores do this to be certain the product you want to buy will be right for you. Therefore, answer all the questions honestly.
Online stores also require buyers to fill questionnaires for legal purposes.
There are over 100 stop snoring mouthpiece devices in the market today. This makes it challenging to know the best snoring mouthpiece to buy. Make sure the device you choose has an FDA clearance. Moreover, the materials used to manufacture it should be stated. Also, follow the manufacturer's instructions on using the mouthpiece.
Remember, if you have a medical condition such as TMJ, loose teeth or gum disease, you should not use anti snoring appliances.
The above are the best anti-snoring mouthpieces on the market.